Monday, May 19, 2008

The Sweetest Things

I think one of the best sites in the whole world is seeing your child smile. I love looking down at his little chubby cheeks and seeing his sweet face break out into a gorgeous smile as I sing the itsy bitsy spider to him. I love snuggling into his neck and smelling the sweet baby smell...a universal smell among babies and one that belongs only to my son. I love hearing his little coo's and knowing that he is content and happy. I love my son and I love being a mother.


Nicole said...

No baby smells the same as your own and no baby smells as sweet to you either! Holding other babies is nice, but there is nothing like your own and if you're like me, you aren't even repulsed by some spit up or a little poop ;). Caleb is so cute and I agree, the smiles are the best, espcecially in the beginning when they're just figuring it out.

Adrian said...

What an absolute sweetheart! Enjoy every moment with Caleb, it's such a special time.