Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh My Teeth!

My poor monkey! We just got his left bottom tooth & now the left lateral incisor looks like it's coming in too. At least he's only having to suffer all at once!

Happy Holidays! Enjoy the last few days before Chrristmas!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Caleb Meets Santa!

He was just so intrigued by Santa! Not scared at alL!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

he's being silly in this pic, his eyes aren't just closed!

Eight Months - Sleep!

Wow! My little man is already eight months! I can hardly believe that! We've celebrated his first Halloween, his first Thanksgiving and his first Christmas is rapidly approaching! Having him in my life has truly been the most incredible & perfect experience ever! As a lot of you know, my monkey man still likes to take a bottle in the middle of the night. Ever since he got the first tooth though I've been a stickler about not wanting him to get the bottle during the night...I'm terrified of bottle rot...ugh! So my sweet little boy made it a whole night without a bottle and only cried once until 6:30 am. And that once lasted about 2 minutes of a tired off & on cry (and thankfully, I was half asleep so I wasn't horribly sad about it like I usually am). We are just making sure that he gets a full 6 oz bottle before he goes to sleep & that way he has no excuses for being hungry! :)

And now my monster's CAN DO'S!

*Get myself to standing like a champ
*Stand without support for about 5 seconds (sometimes I look like I'm surfing!)
*Cruise along the furniture
*Beginning to show reasoning (i.e. sitting on one side of your table and peeking at both sides to determine which side would allow you the most wiggle room to get into the dining room...and you chose the right side!)
*Mimic some sounds (i.e. mommy's been coughing and i think it's oh so funny to copy her!)
*Wave hi & bye-bye (mommy note: oh my gosh, monkey, this is the cutest thing! i effing love it!!)
*Brush my tooth & gums! Yes, I do sometimes use the wrong end but my mommy figures if she lets me do it and she just helps I'll learn to like having the toothbrush in my mouth. My new toothpaste isn't as yummy as the apple toothpaste I had as a baby though :(

I think those are most of the new things I've learned this month!

Love, CDub

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanks for the tag, Adrian! :) I know this is from over a month ago but I just now saw it! I guess I just didn't scroll far enough.

The Tag: Go to your picture file, go to the 4th file, and the 4th picture and post it! Here is my picture!

This is before Caleb was born. I think my mom was brushing my hair but I'm not entirely sure. :)

I tag...Nikki, Jen & Tash!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lovin My Teddy:

Hey Mama!

You're just sooooo funny, mommy!

The Tooth:

First Tooth!

Caleb has cut his first tooth! YAY! He has had a bump on his lower gum for the past two days and yesterday it was really red and looked like a blister. Well, we woke this morning to a beautiful pearly white! It's mostly just a white line that feels kind of sharp but eventually it'll grow and my baby boy will have a mouth full of teeth. :( Sad!

I'll attempt to get a picture of it later, but we all know how impossible it is to try and get them to show you the tooth, let alone take a picture! We'll have to get him laughing!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


with my new background.

what do you think? it's my first one so I know it could use a bit of tweaking but i barely had time to finish it so it's gonna stay like this for awhile!

happy weekend everyone! i'll be back later with pics because i'm doing a shoot! yay!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


i'm working on designing my own blog background so ignore the mess for now! thanks :)

Oh My, Oh Me!

It’s just over two weeks until Thanksgiving! Yum, Yum! This weekend I’m working on pumpkin pie. I’ve never made it before and haven’t particularly cared to because I am not a fan but Tanner loves it so it’s my new project! I’ve mastered the art of homemade crispy tacos and shredded beef chimichangas so now it’s time I work on his pie. I found a recipe that got rave reviews so hopefully it turns out to his standards. He would be fine if I just bought him a pie but it gives me a sort of satisfaction to be able to MAKE him a pie. I suppose I can be old fashioned at times!

Wedding Talk: So in chatting with my work ladies I came to the conclusion that I am extremely indecisive! Part of me wants to do the destination ceremony and get married in San Diego. One of the most important things to me is the photography (surprise, surprise) and San Diego has some amazing photo ops! Plus, I can see how fun it would be to have family and close friends over in San Diego for a beach ceremony and then a yummy dinner. We can all do breakfast the next morning at CafĂ© 222 (as if we could fit!) and then traveling up to San Fran for a little honeymoon. Then we can have a big party/reception when we get back. But…then do I miss out on the first dance/father-daughter dance/garter toss…I don’t want to miss that stuff! But does etiquette allow for that? Oh my, oh me…I hate making decisions!

Last night a bunch of people on my mom’s side of the family went to Aubelo’s for dinner. It was really good! Plus, it was awesome to see that side of the family. Most of them haven’t met Caleb so they got the opportunity to see the little munchkin. My only complaint that restaurant was freezing! Seriously, Caleb had on his long sleeve shirt (and it’s fairly thick) with jeans and his shoes and he was still shivering! Poor baby had to sit bundled up in his hoodie!

ScrapFest this weekend! Yay! I have to sit tonight and send pictures to Ritz and plan pages so I can pick up some things I’ll probably need before Saturday night. Maybe Saturday morning I’ll take Caleb out and get some cute winter morning pictures. I need to find him a cute beanie. Perhaps Children’s Place visit Saturday! I love that store. :)

I should probably get to working. I have gobs of work sitting in my inbox. We have someone leaving us today and won’t be getting a new person until at least the 24th. So they won’t be trained until at least January (and probably longer) so that means for the next few months I’m going to be swamped. I don’t mind being busy (makes the days fly) so that’s okay.

Monday, November 3, 2008

SEVEN Months!

Here is a list of all the new things I can do at 7 Months:

*Pull myself to standing
*Clap my hands
*Strum my fingers against my mouth & make the “buh, buh, buh” sound
*Feed myself Puffs & other small bits of stuff
*Follow simple instructions like “clap, clap, clap your hands” & “jumpy, jumpy”
*Flirt with the ladies. Oh yeah, I’m already a big time flirt!

Love, Caleb

I cannot believe it’s already November! Halloween has come and gone and before we know it Thanksgiving will be upon us. Scary thought: Thanksgiving is three weeks from Thursday. J I just thought I’d share that bit of happy new with everyone! I am a huge fan of the holidays! I just absolutely adore Halloween through New Years and I can’t help but think that I’m going to love them even more with Caleb here.

Halloween was fun! Tanner’s brother and sister-in-law brought their daughter over to my brother’s house and then we all went trick-or-treating with my parents. Caleb was the cutest little baby on the block! Jade was a very cute Lil Red Riding Hood and Verity was the coolest Bat Girl! We got him just a little bit of candle, he liked to grab it out of the bowls so we figured we'd let him try at a few houses. Plus, strange adults would grab handfuls and dump it into his bag. Yeah, he can't eat it! We are going to let him get a tiny taste of a sucker.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday Madness

Whew! It's been a while without a post...life has just been crazy! Recently, I was having a hard time catching a deep breath and had a lot of chest tightness so I sucked it up and when in to see the doctor. As it turns out, they are pretty certain I have asthma. Apparently, that goes hand in hand with eczema & allergies...and I've had eczema my entire life. When I got pregnant with Caleb my eczema disappeared...and now I've got asthma! It's crazy how much a pregnancy can change you. Anyways, he put me on Singulair & gave me a rescue inhaler. A week later I went back to the doctor with my symptoms almost completely gone (yay!). He had me do a pulmonary function test which came back "puzzling" but he said because the Singulair is working to remain on it and return in 6 months to 1 year for a repeat.

Caleb is doing amazingly well. He never ceases to amaze us and having him truly makes each day feel so special! He is crawling and he is pulling himself up. He now walks along the couch and just thinks it's the funniest thing in the whole world. Very soon, as soon as he can pull himself up very sturdy and I think it'll be safe enough we'll be getting him the push walking toy. YIKES! Already. Seems like it's way too soon. Afterall, just yesterday he wouldn't squirm away when I tried to change his butt!

So we've had this ongoing rash with Caleb. One of the providers in my office and his ped. have both looked at it and prescriped medication or over the counter concoctions. The OTC method had it just about completely cleared up when we stopped using it every diaper change and BAM it's back again. So we took his Pamper's back last night (had an upopened box) and exchanged it for Huggies. Ahhh, beautiful. It's almost completely cleared this morning. Funny how he's been fine since birth and now suddenly develops this rash. But my OCD led me to Google and I find it's fairly common with the Pampers. Anyways, he's now a Huggies boy.

Halloween Costume: DINOSAUR! So cute! I don't have a picture of it on my work computer but I can assure you my little monster makes the cutest little dinosaur. :)

Saturday we went to the Pumpkin Patch! It was so much fun...even Caleb really enjoyed himself! I took a ton of pictures of him and then we picked out a "perfect" pumpkin! Tanner has some strict criteria but eventually we found one that met his standards. :)

Saturday evening we went to Tanner's sisters house for a BBQ, UFC fight night and some scrapbooking. I got a few things done but I'm by no means caught up so I really need to get on that so I don't get behind with the holiday's coming!!

Speaking of holidays...I already have TWO presents purchased (not including what we've gotten for CDub)! And while to some, that may not seem like quite a feat...for me it is. I never, ever purchase anything prior to Black Friday and this year I am already on top of things! WooHoo.

Well, that's mostly everything that I can think of worth posting!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

At 6 Months I can...

Here's a list of some of the things I can at 6 months, 2 days...

*I can sit myself up like a pro!

*I can roll, scoot & wiggle around until I get just what I want without crawling.

*I am getting really close to pulling myself to standing and I have so much fun trying!

*I can reach for people I want and turn away from people I don't want.

*I can grab your face and smother you in my drooly kiss!

*I can indiscriminately say mama, dada, baba and my favorite "word" is GEEEE!

And those are just a few of my accomplishments! :)



My big boy car seat! Thanks to mommy's friend Adrian we got the Britax Marathan carseat manufactured for MUCH cheaper under the Fisher Price label! Plus, they had it in this cool red color that daddy loves!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

SIX Months!

My monster is SIX months (and a day)! Yesterday was his 6mo WCE. He is 17.5 lbs (approx 35th percentile for boys his age) and 28.25 inc (approx 95th percentile for boys his age). He was deemed a happy, well adjusted, long skinny boy who is well ahead in his motor skills. He is free to eat from every food group (excluding milk of course) and is doing great! He got stabbed four times and cried for a brief second but forgot about it once Daddy scooped him up. He doesn't go back until 9 months! Caleb will back later to post about all his can-do's! :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Talk Much?

I absolutely hate it when people are so full of themselves they can't see two feet in front of their own face. They're too busy saying "I'm so wonderful this, and I'm so wonderful that" to see that they're really not all that wonderful. If you're feeling this constant need to reassure people just how great you perhaps you should look into yourself and wonder what it is that's driving this need. Perhaps it's that you really aren't all that great.

And one other thing: people who say that they just can't stand drama are absolutely full of it. Just imagine how boring life would be if there was never any conflict. Stephenie Meyers sort of (intentionally or not, I don't know) touched on this in her book The Host. The species was a peaceful sort that were always perky and happy and never argued. Boring. End of story. Now, I'm not talking some baby mama drama but the every day sort of drama that people create just by being human. So next time you groan that you just hate drama, rethink that statement. Cause I'm willing to bet that the exact thing you're groaning about is something you'd miss if it was gone.

PS - I've started that novel I was dreaming about. It feels good to write again.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Impromptu Photo Fun

Tanner's at work and Caleb were just hanging out when I decided to drag out the black sheet, drape it over the couch and have a little photo fun!

Here are just a very few:

Thursday, September 4, 2008


FIVE MONTHS! Wow, I can hardly believe our little man is already five months old! It seems like Caleb has always been part of our lives but at the same time like he JUST got here…funny how that works. There is no well-child check at five months so we don't have any new stats to report at this time but on his ½ birthday he gets to visit Dr. Jacobs and get a new round of shots…lucky, Caleb! Not much has changed since our last update (since it took me forever to get the 4 month out!!).

He is sitting up like a champ and getting closer to crawling all the time (cool but not cool). He has an awesome appetite for his big boy foods and devours them! We are suffering his very first diaper rash and it's probably more traumatic for mommy then it is for Caleb. Oh, and we've nicknamed him Damian (KIDDING, MOM) because our little monster likes to GROWL. Yes, he growls. It's hilarious and kind of scary. I've recorded it on my cell phone and it's my text message alert…people have a hard time believing it's my little boy!

That's probably all that's new in Caleb's world. J We hope everyone is doing GREAT! We love and miss you all!

Hugs N Kisses,
Tanner, Tiffany & Caleb

Mama's SILLY Boy!

Fingers are SO delicious!

I can hold my baba like a BIG boy!

Fascinating PUMAS!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Tanners grandmother passed away on Tuesday afternoon. So in memory of Loretta, a wonderfully hysterical and kind-hearted woman I'd like to just post a quick blog in honor of her. She was so quirky and fun and always very, very kind to people. She dedicated her life to serving others and made sure that anybody who needed anything had it. She ran so many help groups in Payson, AZ and truly had a wonderful giving heart. She was a one of a kind woman and a fabulous grandma to Tanner. In the short years that I knew her she also became a grandmother to me and we will all miss her terribly. We love you, Grandma!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Can Do!

My friend Adrian did this and I thought it was a fabulous idea so I'm stealing it.

At Four Months I Can...

*Sit up all by myself for several minutes

*Eat very well from a spoon

*Drink water from my sippy cup

*Push up on my knees

*Switch toys from hand to hand

*Steal mommy's cell phone from her

*Stand up holding on to mommy's hands

Love, Caleb

Sleeping Like Mommy:

Monday, August 25, 2008

Little Cutie

Friday, August 22, 2008

Doobie Doobie Doobie Doo

I just finished reading the series (or as much of the series as there is): The House of Night. The ideas behind the stories were enthralling however, the writing left much to be desired. But all in all, the stories were entertaining and I’ll be reading the fourth one when it comes out in September so I suppose that’s the bottom line. If anyone out there has any book recommendations I would appreciate it! I’m out of ideas of what to read next.
I really need to start working on my coding classes. I signed up and did the first exam within a few days but that’s all I’ve done since. Granted, there’s no particular rush but still…it would be nice to get them done!

My little monster is getting so big. It’s hard to believe he is 4 ½ months already! He is sitting up by himself (in small increments but he’s doing much better than anyone would have thought) and just a social little butterfly. He’s still working on his teeth and has moved on to solid food. He loves his veggies which makes mommy proud! :D He is trying his own little attempt at crawling but still hasn’t mastered it. I want him to because I know that he’ll just love being mobile but I don’t want him to because I can just imagine the chasing I’ll be doing…but really, I should just get used to it, huh!? He can get up on his legs and he can get his arms straight and lift his chest really high but he can’t quite figure out how to do both at the same time so it’s really cute to watch him struggle with it! Anyways, at his four month well child he was 27.25 inches long (over 95th percentile) and 15lbs12oz (I think…but I know he was 50-75th percentile). He was given another stamp of approval!

My baby sister officially starts ASU on Monday. I cannot believe it! It’s so bizarre for me to have my Roni Bologna going to college. But I’m immensely proud of my baby sister! I love her to pieces and couldn’t be happier for her! Go Devils Gymnastics!

Well, I’m at work and should probably go back to uh…working ;)…I’ll blog later and perhaps add some additional pictures of my cutie pie.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baby Hawk

Sitting UP!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ants in My Pants

I literally had ants in my pants last night.

Fun, no?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Birthday!

HAPPY 4 MONTH BIRTHDAY, MY SON! Today Caleb is four months (already)!! He is growing like a weed and we are really starting to see what a cute little personality he has! A tooth has popped through and he absolutely loves attention. Anyone that walks by and pays him the least bit of attention is rewarded with a huge smile! He also has discovered how to scream his excitement! He has a jumper-roo and is figuring how to use it. He just loves it! It's so fun to watch him discover how things work and see what a smart little boy he is developing to be! Friday is his 4 month WCE and that means more shots! :( I'm not looking forward to them but our friend, Briana, is the one doing the shots so for that I am thankful!

I finished "Breaking Dawn" (Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series) today. It was mostly everything I expected and so I am happy for that. I am sad because it wasn't everything I wanted but oh well, books that you don't write yourself rarely can be. Perhaps that will be incentive for me to do my own? Ahhh, well we shall see about that one. ;)

Okay, well I must be going so we can get the Monster Butt home and into bed!

Hope everyone has a great MONDAY!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


I totally just got some cute scrapbook paper for Caleb's scrapbook! I have all his paper for every month page up through 6 months. It's all the same general line for the first six months and then I'll change for the next six.

So cute.

And I got an eye exam today and ordered new frames/lenses. Woohoo! :)

I'm tired...Good Night (, Moon)!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Billing, this is Tiffany

“Billing, this is Tiffany”. Sometimes I get so sick of hearing myself say this! I am one of those rare individuals who actually enjoy their job (for the most part) but ones of the things that I despise doing is answering the telephone. I know that most people have a difficult time understanding insurances and how their medical benefits work but holy moly, people! It is truly not that hard and when you have someone explaining it to you in the simplest terms possible please try and turn your “thinking caps” on and listen to what it is I am saying.

Vocabulary Lesson:
Deductible – the amount that the insured (that’s you aka the patient) is responsible to pay before the insurance company will make any payments
Co-Insurance – the portion (percentage) of the incurred charge for which the insured (that’s you aka the patient) are responsible
Allowed Amount – the set amount that the insurance company will pay for a procedure (office visit, wart removal, ear irrigation, etc)

The test will be next week. ;)

So my little monster butt child (aka Caleb) is growing like a weed and getting to be just the cutest little baby you ever did see! But then again, I am his mother so I am more than likely a wee bit biased! He is now rolling from his back to his belly and then back again! He has also discovered the art of blowing raspberries and therefore, the delight of spitting all over people’s faces! But it so funny that you’re forced to laugh so then he laughs and the routine starts all over again. I especially love when I do it to him and he smiles and then gets this look of total concentration and does it back to me. This will more than likely sound utterly retarded but I cannot believe what a little person he is becoming. At only 3.5 months old (today!!) he is no longer my tiny little baby I just brought home from the hospital! My parents just bought Caleb his exersaucer and he is totally loving it! He think it's just so fun to be able to be upright and play with his toys! He has a bumbo which is great but he isn't able to lean down and play with his toys in that.

Tomorrow is FRIDAY and I don't even have to go to work!! That is so great to me! :) I took the day off for Tanner's birthday (which is Tuesday the 22nd) and we plan on spending the day shopping and going to my moms work for lunch. It should be a wonderful weekend!!

Well, I have to get dinner started...!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rolling Teeth

So my little monster has mastered rolling from his back to his belly (he did this officially on the floor several times on Sunday night) and then he throws a fit because he can't get back. :) It's too cute. He is also starting to teeth. :( I cannot believe it!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Growing Up!

I'm so not ready for my little man to be growing up just as quickly as he is. Next week he will officially be three months and tonight is his first night in his "big boy bed" aka his crib. *sniffle* I'm nervous as all heck, but really it's not any different then him sleeping in his cradle. Except then he was right next time bed. I could extend my arm and slip it through the bars and touch him. I could reach out and rock my baby to sleep. :( I don't think anyone could ever understand just how quickly they grow until you watch your own and everyday they become a little less yours and a little more their own. Caleb is also just mere days (or so I'm guessing) away from rolling from back to belly. Tonight he was trying so hard and with a little more "umph" he would have gotten his left leg over and been on his belly. He is also getting very good at holding his head up once he is on his belly but isn't making much of an attempt to flip back over to his back. But he is doing wonderful at holding his head up and steady...and even loves his bumbo for a few minutes at a time! And he has finally discovered how amazing hands can be...he has discovered how to grab his rattle! :) It's funny how the littlest things become the most amazing to you!

Here are a few pictures of the little man!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


The weekend is preparing to come to a close and I am not nearly ready for it to end. Weekends are meant to relax, recoup and regroup for the upcoming week. I feel as if I didn't get any of that this weekend & quite frankly...that sucks! Tomorrow is Monday and a whole new week of drama at work. I detest drama and yet I always seem to somehow get involved by trying to not be involved! Ironic, is it not? This is why I am a firm believer that females suck and I tend to not have many girlfriends. I don't want to be involved in any of it and none of it has anything to do with me anyways!! Anyways, before this spirals into all sorts of things that should not be said I will move on.

 7ygubub < --tanners contribution to my blog

Hum, for the first time in a long time I have a moment to write and I find that I don't have much to say. That'd be my luck, would it not?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Passage of Time

My baby boy is already two months old. Every single day I look at him in utter amazement of how he is growing and changing. He is the most wonderful thing I've ever (and will ever) done with my life. At his two month appointment he weighed a whopping 13lbs1oz and was 24.5 inches long. He received five shots (3 pokes, they can combine 3 of them) and screamed while they did it...my poor baby. He was fine until they actually poked him. He was fussy later that evening and ran a slight fever. Other than though he was fine. I love seeing how he is responding to our smiles and our laughs too. If I lean over and smile at him he just smiles back and coos at me. It's so great!!!

As some of you may know, our little monster had terrible gas. Seriously, he would fart and it would smell like a man...and he would get so backed up he would scream. We would give him Mylicon drops and that would calm him down almost instantly but I hated having to give him those. They are not absorbed into the system which is awesome but still...I just didn't like it. So, I was speaking to a friend about the formula she gives her daughter and decided to make the switch myself. Seriously...the past few days he's been on it he has had almost zero gas (just a few farts) and has been the happiest baby in the world. He wasn't very fussy to begin with unless his tummy got really hard but now he only fusses when he is fighting sleep or "starving"! So THANK YOU, NIKKI! I know you didn't try and get me to change but I did thanks to you so Caleb and I are grateful. :)

So did anyone out there know that some babies have one pupil that dilates larger than the other and it's just completely normal? Well, I did not. So our little man was into the pediaric eye doctor yesterday morning to get that checked out. Thankfully, he is just fine!!! <3>

We went looking at houses this past weekend and Tanner & I found one we just love. The rep said he would be there for at least the next 18 months selling those specific models so we are hoping to purchase one within that time frame! There's so much going on in the next two years that there doesn't seem like there's enough money for everything but a house is on the priority list so I hope we get there!!

Well, I have a ton of work sitting on my desk...yuk!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I AM NOT PREGNANT!! Jessica, Bryan's (my brother) fiance, is pregnant with their second child! Sorry...in my excitement I assumed everyone knew what I was talking about! :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I will possess your HEART

Our weekend was pretty great. I love having two days off with Tanner...and our second anniversary was wonderful! It was on Monday and we celebrated by going to lunch and a movie. It was a treat since it was our first movie in a long while...but I think we both agreed it was rather weird to be out and about with out our little sidekick. We definitely missed him but it was nice to relax for a little while. We saw "What Happens in Vegas" which was pretty cute. I really like both Ashton Kutcher & Cameron Diaz so I enjoyed it. Tanner had pretty low expectations so he thought it was great. I saw the long preview for Sex & City...definitely want to see that! It looks adorable!

Work is work and going pretty well. This is a public blog and I shouldn't say too much about that here. :)
My sister came over tonight and she got her graduation present!! It came in the mail today and since tomorrow is her last day of school I figured why not give it to her now? I was super excited and couldn't wait myself. :) We got her the Juicy Couture purse she has wanted for ages and ages! She had NO clue that's what we were getting her! Of course she loved it and I was happy because I honestly didn't know that was the one she wanted. I just knew she wanted a Juicy purse.

In other news...we are now expecting another member of the family and I am super, duper excited!! I hope it's a boy and I hope it's a girl...and mostly, just a healthy baby! Caleb won't be the baby for long! But that's okay because he's growing up so darn fast!!

And with that...I leave you with some pictures and I'm off to cuddle with my adorable boys!

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Sweetest Things

I think one of the best sites in the whole world is seeing your child smile. I love looking down at his little chubby cheeks and seeing his sweet face break out into a gorgeous smile as I sing the itsy bitsy spider to him. I love snuggling into his neck and smelling the sweet baby smell...a universal smell among babies and one that belongs only to my son. I love hearing his little coo's and knowing that he is content and happy. I love my son and I love being a mother.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Week 1 Down

Week one at work is now complete. It went fairly well, except my little bubba picked up a cough some place. He went to the doctor's this morning and was prescribed some breathing treatments to clear up his lungs. Thankfully, his doctor is the office I work for and was able to bring home the SVN machine for him to use. He has had two treatments so far and his cough is almost gone - thank gosh! It's horrible to hear your little one sound terrible (although, he truly doesn't sound that bad).

Anyways, it's nearly bathtime for Caleb so time to go!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lunch Break

Today is the first day that Caleb is spending several hours with anyone other than Tanner or I. It's driving me insane. I know he is in perfectly capable hands with his Nana but I also know that nobody's hands take better care of my son than my own. Thankfully, I have work to keep my busy and that's very helpful.

Being back at work is going well. I'm a busy little bee and am already caught up/ahead of the game. I mostly enjoy my job and so that is always a plus. Still...I'd rather work just part-time and spend the rest of the day enjoying watching my 'lil man grow and change. Nothing is sweeter than that!

Hmmm, I don't particuarly feel like it but I should be getting back to work. Insurance Aging Reports are awaiting!