Friday, June 27, 2008

Growing Up!

I'm so not ready for my little man to be growing up just as quickly as he is. Next week he will officially be three months and tonight is his first night in his "big boy bed" aka his crib. *sniffle* I'm nervous as all heck, but really it's not any different then him sleeping in his cradle. Except then he was right next time bed. I could extend my arm and slip it through the bars and touch him. I could reach out and rock my baby to sleep. :( I don't think anyone could ever understand just how quickly they grow until you watch your own and everyday they become a little less yours and a little more their own. Caleb is also just mere days (or so I'm guessing) away from rolling from back to belly. Tonight he was trying so hard and with a little more "umph" he would have gotten his left leg over and been on his belly. He is also getting very good at holding his head up once he is on his belly but isn't making much of an attempt to flip back over to his back. But he is doing wonderful at holding his head up and steady...and even loves his bumbo for a few minutes at a time! And he has finally discovered how amazing hands can be...he has discovered how to grab his rattle! :) It's funny how the littlest things become the most amazing to you!

Here are a few pictures of the little man!


Nicole said...

It is different when they are not right there beside you. Took me awhile to feel okay about it both times, but I am enjoying more sleep now. Serena loves to roll on her side too, but I am not too anxious for her to start rolling over yet. The rolling makes me nervous at night. And hands are fantastic! Serena's are always shoved in her mouth, they must taste yummy. I love all the pictures and can't believe how BIG he has gotten!