Friday, August 22, 2008

Doobie Doobie Doobie Doo

I just finished reading the series (or as much of the series as there is): The House of Night. The ideas behind the stories were enthralling however, the writing left much to be desired. But all in all, the stories were entertaining and I’ll be reading the fourth one when it comes out in September so I suppose that’s the bottom line. If anyone out there has any book recommendations I would appreciate it! I’m out of ideas of what to read next.
I really need to start working on my coding classes. I signed up and did the first exam within a few days but that’s all I’ve done since. Granted, there’s no particular rush but still…it would be nice to get them done!

My little monster is getting so big. It’s hard to believe he is 4 ½ months already! He is sitting up by himself (in small increments but he’s doing much better than anyone would have thought) and just a social little butterfly. He’s still working on his teeth and has moved on to solid food. He loves his veggies which makes mommy proud! :D He is trying his own little attempt at crawling but still hasn’t mastered it. I want him to because I know that he’ll just love being mobile but I don’t want him to because I can just imagine the chasing I’ll be doing…but really, I should just get used to it, huh!? He can get up on his legs and he can get his arms straight and lift his chest really high but he can’t quite figure out how to do both at the same time so it’s really cute to watch him struggle with it! Anyways, at his four month well child he was 27.25 inches long (over 95th percentile) and 15lbs12oz (I think…but I know he was 50-75th percentile). He was given another stamp of approval!

My baby sister officially starts ASU on Monday. I cannot believe it! It’s so bizarre for me to have my Roni Bologna going to college. But I’m immensely proud of my baby sister! I love her to pieces and couldn’t be happier for her! Go Devils Gymnastics!

Well, I’m at work and should probably go back to uh…working ;)…I’ll blog later and perhaps add some additional pictures of my cutie pie.


Jenna said...

Caleb is sooo cute! It's crazy how fast they grow. You've probably heard it 1000 times but before you know it he'll be off to school and you'll be wondering where your little boy went.

Re your comment: No, I haven't read any of her books. Are they good? I found some on trademe (NZ's version of ebay) so if you recommend them I might have to buy one and give it a go.

Do you guys get Marian Keyes' books over there (excuse my ignorance, it might be a really dumb question!) I really like her writing, I'm actually re-reading one of them at the moment :)

BTW is Mercy by JP worth the read? I saw that it's about a Mercy killing which seems intriguing.

Jenna said...

Me again :P I see Caleb has a boppy and a bumbo.. I don't know if you've read my blog about how I'm looking for a present for my bestfriend but do you recommend either of them? The bumbos are $90 here or $100 with the tray!! Insane... so I'm looking for something she'll get a lot of use out of.. Caleb looks like he has a lot of cool stuff so thought you might have some suggestions :)