Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Talk Much?

I absolutely hate it when people are so full of themselves they can't see two feet in front of their own face. They're too busy saying "I'm so wonderful this, and I'm so wonderful that" to see that they're really not all that wonderful. If you're feeling this constant need to reassure people just how great you perhaps you should look into yourself and wonder what it is that's driving this need. Perhaps it's that you really aren't all that great.

And one other thing: people who say that they just can't stand drama are absolutely full of it. Just imagine how boring life would be if there was never any conflict. Stephenie Meyers sort of (intentionally or not, I don't know) touched on this in her book The Host. The species was a peaceful sort that were always perky and happy and never argued. Boring. End of story. Now, I'm not talking some baby mama drama but the every day sort of drama that people create just by being human. So next time you groan that you just hate drama, rethink that statement. Cause I'm willing to bet that the exact thing you're groaning about is something you'd miss if it was gone.

PS - I've started that novel I was dreaming about. It feels good to write again.


Jenna said...

I know someone like that, very annoying! I want to punch him everytime I see him, lol

The novel sounds exciting, you should put some of it up on your blog!

Nicole said...

I hate drama!! Haha, just kidding. Good luck with the novel, wish I could do that. Oh yeah, where is that email you promised??

Chris M said...

I don't know if I'd say I hate the drama, but it is a part of life I wouldn't mind having less of. You've given me an idea for my next post :)