Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas & New Years!

Our first Christmas with our monkey man was so wonderful! He got terribly spoiled and with his birthday just a few short months away I have no idea what we'll get him. On Christmas Eve we went to his Aunt Trina's house for dinner and presents with Tanner's side of the family. We had ham, veggies, cheesy potatoes and rolls. It was all very yummy and even Caleb enjoyed it! :) Afterwards we all opened up our presents and had some pie. After we got home we decorated our cookies for Santa & the Reindeer (well, I did because Caleb was already asleep) and then we all went to bed. We had to wake Caleb up bright & early because we had to be at my parents house at 8:30 so we drug the tired boy out of bed so he could open up all his presents. Santa brought him The Little People car ramp & garage. And he got movies, clothes, a baby grand piano from Uncle Jim (which he loves, loves, loves), The Little People farm house (from Aunt Trina), a Little Foot animal, Peek-A-Blocks, a Spiderman couch, a Mega Blocks dump truck, a Cars blanky, Cars dinnerware, a Ball Popper, bath toys and who can even remember what else! Needless to say, the next day Mommy went through all his toys and cleaned out all the old "baby" toys that he doesn't play with. I saved all my favorites for a possible sibling in the future but the rest will go to cousins or the donation box. But after presents at my parents on Christmas we had a delicious breakfast/brunch before coming home to take a much needed nap by all of us! That evening my sister came over to have dinner and stay the night. I made homemade shredded beef tacos with rice & beans. And Caleb being just like his mommy & daddy absolutely LOVES rice & beans. So he had rice, beans and cheese for his Christmas dinner.

On New Years Eve we did what any young couple with a young baby does...we rented a movie, ate ice cream and went to bed at 9:30! :) It was enjoyable for us though...and Tanner had to work the following day anyhow.

So that was our Holiday's in a nutshell!! :) Here are a few pictures of them...

Mmmm! Rice & Beans!

A Christmas bottle on my Spidey couch!

Oh, thank you Uncle Bryan!!

I look way too old here...

Yay!! Little Foot

Seriously, mama? It's way too early...

Santa's Cookies!!

Yay! A present!

Let me at it mom!


Nicole said...

Sounds like someone got spoiled! He's too cute! So which did he like more, the wrapping paper or the toys? ;)